
Many Norfolk taxpayers seeing increase in personal property bills

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — A lot of jaws are dropping in Norfolk this week as people open their personal property tax bills. In some cases, they are higher than last year for a car that’s a year older.

Usually your car depreciates over time and that’s why, unless you buy a new one, your personal property tax bill usually goes down every year.

That’s not the case this year. Vehicle values have gone up nationwide due to manufacturers struggling to get parts and slowdowns in the supply chain.

Some Hampton Roads cities decided to make an adjustment and use 75% of the cars value to calculate taxes. Norfolk City Council decided instead to waive the vehicle license fee, which is a savings of between $20 and $36 based on the weight of your vehicle. So some people are getting bigger bills and begging for relief.

“Help us out here guys; we’re all in the same boat. Please, like you know people out here are struggling like people are really struggling out here,” said Dontell Roberts, a Norfolk taxpayer.

Rhonda Fluharty is on a fixed income. She said her personal property bill last year was $201. This year it is $250, for the same car.

“I think my city leaders need to go back and reevaluate personal property taxes and decrease the value of used cars , but I don’t think they’re going to do that,” Fluharty said.

In a statement a City of Norfolk spokesperson told 10 On Your Side:

The City Council, Administration, Commissioner of the Revenue and Treasurer discussed various options to provide relief for our citizens. We are aware of some of the approaches taken in other localities and have determined that Norfolk’s approach provides equal relief for every owner of a vehicle or motorcycle.

Fluharty’s other vehicle, a 2001 Toyota Sonata, will cost her less this year. The bill she received is is for $10.53

You may be able to bring down your bill in Norfolk, but only if you have high mileage. To find out if you quality, click on this link.

Taxes are due June 5.