BEIJING (NEXSTAR) – Beijing is the safest place to be right now, when it comes to avoiding COVID-19. That’s the message from Olympic organizers, almost one week into the Games.

There are strict measures to minimize any potential spread of COVID-19. Mask wearing, daily testing and a closed loop system are all part of it. organizers say these measures are working.

More than 70,000 People are tested for COVID-19 daily inside the “Olympic bubble.” And with cases staying in the teens and single digits – organizers say, it’s the safest place to be.

“Your chance of picking up COVID here in the closed loop system is less than anywhere else in the world at the moment,” said Dr. Brian McCloskey, with Beijing 2022 Medical Expert Panel.

Dr. Brian McCloskey sits on the IOC Medical Board. He says the three layers of testing – before leaving for Beijing, at the airport, and daily in the bubble – are effective.

“The number of cases inside the closed loop is going down and we still believe that the situation inside the closed loop is extremely safe and there’s no sign of spread of infection,” said McCloskey.

Organizers are also focused on keeping Chinese people safe. Those fans in the stands you see on TV are tested before they enter a venue. They have a separate entrance and exit, and sit in a specific section.

“All the spectators have voluntarily applied for such opportunity and also before, during and after watching the competition, they need to follow the countermeasures,” said Beijing 2022 Spokeswoman Yan Jiarong.

When they leave a venue, they have to report their health metrics for one week and test at least two times.

All to keep the Olympic bubble – and those outside of it – safe.