(NEXSTAR) – Marine Corps Veteran Marco De La Rosa was injured in 1993 while trying to stop a robbery outside of the base. He was shot in the back and the bullet is still in his spinal cord.
Marco described his life after his injury. “You’re mourning the person you were. I mean, I was a Marine. And now you’re going through grocery store and asking somebody to get you the cereal up there, and you can’t reach it. So, it’s hard.”
But De La Rosa didn’t give up. “Adapt and overcome kicked in,” Marco recounted. “Like, I got to do something. So, I moved around and started looking.”
De La Rosa got into the sport of shooting at a Paralyzed Veterans of American event in 2014 and immediately soared. He competed in the National Veteran Wheelchair Games and made his Paralympic debut in 2016.
Marco volunteers with Texas Paralyzed Veterans of America and helps host fun shoots when he’s not competing.