We had a brief break from the heat but the 90s are back today! High temperatures will be in the low 90s but with the heat index, it will feel closer to the mid 90s.

Heat Index Today

We started off the morning with a lot of cloud cover, but what you might notice is the haze in the sky. That isn’t cloud cover but rather smoke from the wildfires out west. Our air quality is moderate, so there’s not much of an impact here, but at an unhealthy level for sensitive groups.

Wildfire Smoke

With the heat and humidity this afternoon, there could be a few stray showers popping up. The best chance for any rain will be through the northern tier! It will mainly be light rain but I can’t completely rule out a quick burst of heavier rain.

RPM Forecast

Through the next several days high temperatures will be right around the average mark, which is 90 degrees for this time of the year. We’re in the warmest part of the year right now! Our averages will start going back down on Friday. Here’s to hoping for more comfortable conditions!

Have a great Wednesday! -Meteorologist Casey Lehecka