PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — Being that I only have two weeks left in the internship, I have been more determined than ever to make my final moments count. I plan on taking every opportunity and ensuring that I put my best foot forward to finish out strong.

My favorite thing I have been learning recently is how to write teases. This has been one of the most interesting experiences this far. I have been doing my regular duties during the show, but now I have been helping Stephanie to write teases post-show.

I first begin by reading previous teases and trying to gain ideas and gather my thoughts before writing. I then try to write them and keep them concise and to the point. After I finish, Stephanie usually goes through them with me to make sure they are the best they can be.

From this, I learned that everything that I have learned when writing for school goes out the door when writing for television. I have to write for the ear and not for the eye. I have to physically say the lines out loud and hear how they sound and write them as they should be said and not read.

I have also learned that I use far too many unnecessary prepositions when writing. When writing papers for school I often include phrases to add length to my papers. This is also a bad habit that I have to break when I am writing these teases because they should be catchy and straight to the point.

Amaya Enjoys Her Friday Morning on Set

In the past few weeks, I also had the pleasure of attending the Mayflower Marathon. This is a charity event in the Hampton Roads area that supports families and gives them groceries right around the holidays.

For this special, I got to go out on sight with the crew and fellow intern, Amir, to help them shoot the show from the charity event. We had to get guests and time the segments in order to make sure everything ran smoothly. This was a great hands-on experience and I loved getting out in the community.

I am looking forward to these last two weeks and finishing out strong.

To follow me along my journey and for more daily updates, you can follow my Twitter @AmayaMitchell44.