Yesterday we had some nice weather for travel and outdoor activities. There was a lot of sunshine in the morning, but there were some more clouds during the afternoon. High temps were in the 60s.

High Temps Yesterday

Temps have been below average for the majority of November. In fact, November is now running 2.1 degrees below average.

November High Temperatures

We had 3 days last week when high temps were only in the 40s. This is the first time in a while that I can remember the average temperature below average. Especially 2 degrees below. So does this mean that it is going to be a cold winter? The short answer is no.

In fact I think we are going to warm up some in December. I think we had what I call the “November Flush.” During some years you get a flush of cold air during November as it comes out of Canada and drops down into the Midwest and eastern U.S., But eventually that cold air gets used up. Especially if there’s not much snow pack. So then when December arrives you get a warm up for a while. This isn’t every year. I think it happens more during warmer years. So we’ll see.

We won’t be warming up today. That’s for sure! A strong cold front is dropping to our south.

Regional weather Map

Despite a good amount of sunshine we’ll only top off in the upper 40s to low 50s.

Forecast Temps Today

Winds will gust to around 25mph out of the north/northwest. It’s super dry outside. Dew points have dropped to the 20s with a few teens. My lips keep getting chapped lately. TMI? The wind will settle down tonight. We’ll have clear skies with lows in the 20s and 30s. Then tomorrow we’ll have fair skies and a southwest breeze. So high temps will rise to the mid-upper 50s.

Forecast Temps Tomorrow

We’ll probably warm up a little more on Wednesday. I have a hopeful high of 60 degrees, but it may only rise to the upper 50s. However, it’s more likely that we’ll have highs in the 60s on Thursday and Friday. We are going to stay dry for a while. There’s really no rain expected in the next few days. We are even in a moderate drought. I’ll talk more about that and the last day of hurricane season in tomorrow’s weather blog. Have a good day!

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler