CORRECTION: A previous copy of this story stated that the park was expected to be closed in 2022. It has since been corrected. WAVY apologizes for the confusion.

CAMDEN COUNTY, N.C. (WAVY) — An extensive bridge repair at the Dismal Swamp State Park in Camden County will be completed in early May.

The park closed in June of last year for repairs to the bridge that allowed entrance to the park.

“These repairs will provide much-needed updates to the park’s bridge and adjoining areas and provide safe entrance to the park for years to come,” said Adam Carver, superintendent of the park.

Visitors were still able to access the main canal, a Federal waterway, via the boat launch at the end of Ballahack Road or at Swayers Creek in Camden.

The canoe and kayak launch was also repaired during the project due to safety concerns during the repair of the bridge.

Updates on the park opening will be available on the park’s website HERE

Continue to check for updates.