The weekend forecast is shaping up to be pretty nice. However, there will be some cool temps at first. Plus, there may be a few rain showers on Sunday. However, the bulk of the weekend will be good. Let’s take a look. This morning we started off with some very cold air. At least for the season. Low temps were in the low 30s inland, but it was in the 40s to near 50 degrees near the shore.

Low Temps This Morning

We will warm up quickly today. Even though the weekend warming will be more gradual. High temps will rise to the mid 60s this afternoon with some low 60s near the shore and some mid-upper 60s inland.

Forecast Temps Today

That’s a big rise in temps between the morning and the afternoon. So dress in layers. We will have a lot of sunshine with a few high/thin cirrus clouds. The air air also very dry. Dew points are in the 20s. Wow!

Dew Points

That is super dry for this time of year. I even saw a dew point in the teens in Dover. That’s a number that more typical in mid-February. Anyway, one big piece of good news is that the wind won’t be too strong today. It will be out of the north at 8-12mph. So you’ll actually feel much warmer today in the sun than you did yesterday.

Tomorrow the warm front will scoot a little closer to our region, but we’ll still be on the cool side of it. High temps will be in the mid 60s.

Temperatures Tomorrow

We’ll have some isolated showers over North Carolina, but most of the area will stay dry. We’ll be partly cloudy. We’ll have a light wind out of the northeast. So it will be cooler near the shore and warmer inland.

By Sunday the warm front will slowly rise through the region. We’ll have a mix of sun and clouds. There will be some isolated to scattered rain showers. The models are handling the timing and coverage of the moisture differently. Some models like the GFS have a decent shot at getting rain. However, the NAM has hardly any showers. Either way we’ll be warmer and a bit more humid. High temps will be near 70. We’ll warm up more early next week, and the humidity will rise sharply. So we’ll have some scattered rain showers on a few days with highs in the 70s. We might hit 80 by next Wednesday.

We are dry here. The U.S. Drought monitor updated, and now part of northeast North is in a Severe Drought.

U.S. Drought Monitor

We really need some rain. So I’m crossing my fingers for next week. The drought is getting worse here, but the long-term drought in California is causing a lot of problems.

U.S. Drought Monitor

Recently officials in southern California enacted water restrictions that limit outdoor watering to 1 day per week. Here’s the article with more information: California Water Restrictions. The drought in Nevada is so bad that Lake Mead has dried up to unprecedented levels. The original water intake valves are now exposed. Lake Mead water levels.

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler