Since last weekend our temperatures have been on a downward trend. My house was running the A.C. last weekend (mainly due to the humidity). I woke up this morning, and I had to put the heat on. Recently, we had a couple of warm days. High temps were near 70 both days last weekend. Yesterday, we had highs in the low 60s.

High Temps Last 2 Weeks

It was actually very nice out during the afternoon! I was working outside to put up some Christmas decorations. It was nice to get some sunshine. Today will still be pretty nice, but it will be cooler. We have a weak area of low pressure and a cool front dropping to our southeast. Weak high pressure is just to our west.

Regional Weather Map

There is another low and front over in the Midwest. They will impact us tomorrow. Today we’ll have lots of sunshine with a light north wind. High temps will rise up into the low-mid 50s.

Forecast Temps Today

It should be a pretty nice day, but it will definitely be cooler than the last 2 days. Tomorrow the temps will drop even more. As the low and cold front sink to the southeast. The wind will pick up out of the north. It will run at 10-15mph with gusts to 25mph. We’ll also have lots of clouds in the region. The 2 features mentioned will create some scattered/light rain showers late tonight through about 1-2pm tomorrow.

Future Trak (Tomorrow Morning)

While they won’t be big or strong, some of them will impact the morning commute. We’ll actually have some clearing by tomorrow afternoon as the drier air kicks back in. High temps will only be in the mid 40s.

Forecast Temps Tomorrow

We aren’t looking at much rainfall. We’ll probably only get a couple hundredths of an inch.

Rainfall Forecast

We’ve actually had some decent rain in the last 2 weeks. However, we still need some rain in the longer term. We are running a 2 inch deficit for the year. We have a sizable deficit from the last 4 months.

Annual Rainfall Departure From Average

We do have a moderate drought in Hampton Roads with a Severe Drought on the Eastern Shore and over northern and western Virginia.

U.S. Drought Monitor

We won’t get any help with that from Thursday into Saturday. We’ll be dry with lots of sunshine through that time. Temps will be chilly on Thursday. Highs will only be in the mid 40s. However, we’ll warm to the upper 50s on Friday, and then we’ll be in the mid 60s on Saturday.

Temperature Trend

I wouldn’t be surprised if we hit 70 on Sunday. We will have a strong south breeze and a warm front in the region. So we’ll see. For now I have upper 60s. However, we’ll also have developing rain showers as a low strengthens over the region. I’ll talk more about that in tomorrow’s weather blog.

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler