Watch the Digital Desk segment with General Chris Badia from Allied Command Transformation

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) – It’s been 75 years since North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded on April 4, 1949.

The anniversary will be celebrated at this year’s Norfolk NATO Festival.

This is the 68th year of the festival and is the longest continuously running festival in the Hampton Roads area.

“It’s really about celebrating with all the people in greater Hampton Roads and showing the appreciation of NATO, and having NATO’s home in this area,” General Chris Badia said.

General Chris Badia is the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation in Norfolk.

Badia joined Digital Host Sarah Goode at the Digital Desk for a LIVE conversation. Badia spoke on the festival, the significance of this year’s anniversary and the upcoming NATO Summit in Washington, D.C. Watch the Digital Desk conversation in the video player on this page.

The festival links NATO with the local community, and celebrates the headquarters in Norfolk. It holds meaning for the community, and military servicemembers like Badia.

“I couldn’t show more appreciation and I could not be more excited,” Badia said.

This year marks Badia’s 40th year of service. As part of the German Air Force he trained in Texas early on his career.

“And, everything I am, I owe a great deal to the United States,” Badia said. “Why? Back in 1986, I came to the U.S. and I was trained in Sheppard Air Force Base to become a fighter pilot. This is basically, where all the foundation was laid for my career.”

With conflict ongoing around the globe, there is an additional layer of importance in celebrating both the alliance’s long history and continued efforts.

“That’s also something of utmost important because it shows the strengths, shows the coherence of the alliance,” Badia said. Watch the full clip from the Digital Desk below.

NATO has grown from the original 12 founding members to 32 member countries. Sweden officially joined NATO last month, in March 2024.

“It shows the great success, that NATO is alive, NATO is something standing for if it’s democracy, rule of law, of freedom, all those things,” Badia said.

More discussion will take place of NATO’s evolution this summer. The NATO Summit will take place in Washington, D.C. on July 9-11, 2024.

The summits have become more frequent in the last few decades. According to NATO, “Since 1990, their frequency has increased considerably in order to address the changes brought on by the new security challenges.”

This year’s summit will mark NATO’s 75th anniversary.

One critical topic on the agenda, the future of NATO and the evolution.

NATO has three headquarters, and each handle certain functions. In Norfolk, at Allied Command Transformation, the goal is thinking about the future.

“How does NATO have to transform?” Badia said. “What will be the forms of the conflicts we might see in 2040, 2050?”

Badia offered two general examples of conflict: addressing what will space look like, and the handling of cyber conflicts.

“Imagine working for 32 nations,” Badia said. “This is where you need to bring all those thoughts together. Discuss it with nations, and as you go forward, then the nations have the right capabilities in order, if it should happen, to defend the alliance overall and nations within.”

Find out more about the upcoming summit at the link here.

Norfolk NATO Festival Events

The festival begins on Thursday, April 18 with events taking place throughout the weekend. All events are free and open to the public.

Norfolk NATO Festival Flag Raising

NATO – Allied Command Transformation and the Festival present the Flag Raising. It stars the festival by celebrating the bond between the city of Norfolk and NATO. On Thursday, April 18 at 5 p.m. visit Scope Plaza in this display of NATO Member Nation flags. The flags will represent all NATO Nations. The Fleet Forces Band will play.

71st Annual Parade of Nations

On Saturday, April 20 at 10 a.m. visit Downtown Norfolk for the parade. It is the only parade in the United States that honors NATO. It features over 100 parade units including U.S. and international bands, military units, community groups and floats. All NATO member nations will be represented in this display. Find a spot along the route.

Norfolk NATO Festival International Village

After the parade, visit the International Village. On Saturday, April 20 it will open at Town Point Park beginning at 11:30 a.m. It celebrates and shows appreciation for the local NATO headquarters. NATO representatives will be on-site. Visitors can experience the international heritage of the NATO member nations with cultural performances, international art, cuisine and craft beers.

Rugby Exhibition Match

On Sunday, April 21 at 5 p.m. watch a rugby match with the XV du Pacifique French Army and U.S. Marines. The two teams will compete at Powhatan Field at Old Dominion University. The match will last about two hours.

Watch the Digital Desk segment with General Chris Badia in the video player on this page.