CHESAPEAKE, Va. (WAVY) — Sierra Brown has her hands full with a brand new baby and a toddler.

“There’s nothing like being at home with your babies,” Brown said.

Soon, baby Sylas will join his big brother at daycare when the Chesapeake mom goes back to work. Brown loves the kids’ provider, but not the process it took to find her.

“I was kind of going off Google reviews, you know,” she said. “A lot of the time you’ll go into daycare and then they’ll end up being like, ‘there’s a wait list’ or this or that.”

The new VQB5 portal aims to end that frustration and inform parents on the quality and safety of more than 3,000 early childhood sites across the Commonwealth.
That’s all sites that receive any public funding, including preschools and Head Start programs.

“So, even like family day homes who are providing childcare in their homes, if they receive public funds, they have an observer that comes into their home and observes the quality,” said Jane Glasgow, executive director of Minus 9 to 5 at EVMS/Old Dominion University.

Parents just enter their city or zip code to find a list of centers and learn whether they exceed expectations, meet expectations or need support.

In the Southeast region, which includes Hampton Roads, only about 2% got the top rating.

“But those that meet expectations are doing a great job,” Glasgow said. “Even those that need support, sometimes it’s just a matter of getting additional support with the use of an approved curriculum.”

She added that support is already in place as the state works to improve kindergarten readiness.

The ratings are determined by trained observers who visit twice a year. If a daycare or preschool provider does not take any public money, they are not included.

As for the portal itself, Brown gives the project an ‘A’.

“So when you use that site, it really eliminates all that stress and pressure of, my new job starts next week and I don’t know who to turn to,” she said.