We are continuing to see Coronavirus cases rise not only in our state, but across the United States. Right now I know there are people struggling to make ends meet, or even adjust to relying on one income. I’ve been speaking a lot over the phone with my friends and family (FaceTime has been an amazing way to connect too). During these conversations a few people have told me about something I HAD to share! 

There are websites and apps that allow you to insert food items you already have at home, and they will tell you meals or snacks you can make with those items! I just started plugging in what I had in my pantry and fridge and BAM, I had ideas for what to eat! I have made a smoothie with bananas, spinach, blueberries and peanut butter (yum)!  I have also made a lunch pasta with some noodles and veggies I had in my fridge and freezer! I also put in spices and herbs I had, and those were included in my meal too! 

I know right know, I am doing whatever I can to try and “make do” with what I have. It’s a way to save money and also it can help people go to the grocery store less often. At least for me, I feel like it’s small finds like this, that get me excited. I love trying new things. And since we are pretty much stuck at home, this gives me something to do and cooking helps keep me busy! 

Whenever people meet me they say, “Your last name must be Italian!” My last name is Bettineschi (Bettineschi does sound like a pasta sauce). BUT let me tell you, I didn’t get the cooking gene. Cooking has been a learning process for me. I’ve tried making my grandma’s recipes and they NEVER taste the same! So cooking is a new challenge I’m taking on, and these websites and apps may be the new way to help me get through the learning process! 

Here are a few sites and apps I’ve found that may help you too!

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