RICHMOND, Va. (WAVY) — The Virginia Dental Association responded to Governor Northam’s second call to action on Wednesday for medical and non-medical workers to join the Virginia Department of Health’s Medical Reserve Corps the fight against the coronavirus.

The VDA announced its efforts to back the governor’s call by releasing a statement to all Virginia dentists with respect to considering volunteer work.

“Virginia dentists have the training to be able to support our communities during this public health crisis and I applaud the many who have already stepped up to help,” said VDA President Dr. Elizabeth Reynolds. “I encourage those who haven’t yet to consider volunteering with the Virginia Medical Reserve Corps to apply their medical training to the massive effort it will take to fight this virus.”

The Virginia Dental Association Foundation has also been a strong advocate for personal protective equipment donations to local hospitals, nursing homes and other areas of need.

“Across the Commonwealth, dentists are donating their own scarce personal protective equipment and continuing to provide emergency care to patients to keep them out of hospitals, even while their small businesses are going through a time of unprecedented financial uncertainty,” said Reynolds.

Dentists who are able to donate personal protective equipment can do so online.

While all Virginian’s with both medical and non-medial experience are welcome, there is a high demand for nurses, nurse practitioners, and nursing students to apply.

For more information and to sign up to become an MRC volunteer, visit the VDH website.

RELATED: Virginia needs 30K volunteers to battle COVID-19.

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