CHESAPEAKE, Va. (WAVY) — Last week, we caught up with two local firefighters who started the #SupportLocal initiative in an effort to give back to local small businesses that have been affected by the coronavirus.

Firefighters Travis Robertson and Ryan McFadden came up with a way to give back by selling locally branded shirts with 25% of the sales donated to a small business in need. Well, they held true to their promise and were able to sell enough shirts to give a check for $1,200 to SUNkiss Tanning and Hair Salon in Norfolk on May 6.

RELATED: ‘Non-essential businesses are essential’; 2 local firefighters helping in a big way

“We came up with the idea of making T-shirts that represented Virginia and would also address the fact that we were supporting our community; #SupportLocal,” Robertson explained.

The team personally went to the salon and met with owner Janel Posilero to hand over the check. Social distancing rules were followed to pass the check as you can see in the picture that the claw was used to hand it over.

“I would really like to thank #SupportLocal. When I first heard about what this group was doing and that I had been nominated as the April business, I was so honored. Then, I won and I was so grateful,” said Posilero. “It was such an honor to meet all of them. When I was presented with a check from them I was at a loss for words.”

Posilero explains what she plans to do with the much needed funds.

“The donation could not have come at a better time; I had no idea it would be that amount. I will be using the money for rent and utilities to keep my shop going until I can open my doors and start doing what I love to do. Thank you so much #SupportLocal.”

The company is looking for the community’s help with nominating businesses in need. More information can be found online and on the Facebook page.

After the team gave the donation, the art director for Adams Outdoor Advertising offered to put up a few billboards to support the cause. Billboard locations are still in discussion and will be announced on #SupportLocal’s social media and website.

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