NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (WAVY) — Newport News mother Kathleen Ryan spent 48 days at Riverside Regional Medical Center after she was diagnosed with COVID-19. She says right before she went to the hospital, she knew something was really wrong.

“I couldn’t breathe, it was very fast, very, very fast,” Kathleen Ryan said.

Her son, Patrick Ryan, says while a lot of memories were fuzzy for his mom, he remembers it vividly. He says she was put on a ventilator for 17 days.

“It was probably one of the most challenging, difficult things I’ve ever been through,” Patrick Ryan said.

He says his mom also has stage 4 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a lung disease. She was close to death at one point.

“Patrick said they asked him if he wanted a DNR,” Kathleen Ryan said, referring to a “do not resuscitate” order.

“It was awful and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody,” Patrick Ryan said.

One of the hardest parts for Patrick Ryan was not being able to be at her side while she was in the hospital.

“I couldn’t help but continuously think that like, hey she would be doing better if I was physically there,” Patrick Ryan said.

He made her a poster so when she came out of sedation, she wouldn’t feel alone. She eventually got better and was taken off the ventilator. She remained at the hospital for weeks because she continued to test positive for COVID-19.

Once Kathleen Ryan got two negative tests in a row, she was taken to Riverside Rehabilitation Hospital where she’s now working hard to regain her strength.

“I walked 40 feet today, which is a new goal, and I’m going to try for 50 tomorrow,” Kathleen Ryan said.

And while Patrick Ryan can’t visit Kathleen inside of her room, he’s made sure to stop by her window to keep her company as she grows stronger. He hopes that sharing their story gives other people hope as well. 

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