VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Starting Friday, gyms across Virginia are allowed to hold group classes outdoors as long as they practice proper social distancing. As we’ve been talking about every Friday, it’s important to stay fit and healthy during this time.

Billy Yancy owns ANABO fitness in Virginia Beach. Normally, people can go into ANABO, click on a digital device, and begin their workout.

Billy says his clients are in and out in 30 minutes max. He tells he does not plan to hold outdoor group classes at this time. The two time Mr. Virginia, and retired Navy veteran, tells with the public stay at home order still in place, he is not comfortable holding outdoor classes right away. However, Billy also doesn’t have to.

More on phase 1

You see, for the last several years, he has virtually trained a number of clients worldwide. So, when he temporarily closed the ANABO fitness gym, he did not close the program. He continued with online training for his clients.

Billy says he trains people of all ages, abilities, and weights. He also works with a number of local companies to do group training and team building, something he says is very important at a time like this.

“There’s a lot of power and strength in our program in that it doesn’t just strengthen you muscularly if you will, but internally. So, a lot that we all need in individual companies is team building, leaning on each other. Strengthening not just ourselves, but those who are kind of banded together, you know, fighting through this pandemic. So we’re doing a lot of team building and at the same time we’re able to keep social distancing and keep everyone save and health at the same time,” Billy says.

We picked Billy’s brain about his favorite moves you can do at home. Many of you have probably heard of a plank. Billy says you can do a full plank, or the modified version with your knees down at times for a good, full body move.

Another move he shared is what he calls the “get up.” You simply lie flat on the ground on your stomach and get back up. It’s a form of a burpee.

“You get knocked down in life, mentally and physically, all throughout our lives. Some people don’t get up. I mean, we’ve got to get up. We’re going through this pandemic for a number of days now, it’s not easy for anybody, so you’ve got to get up. So, every time you get knocked down, you’ve got to get back up, regardless of what you’re going through. Physically, what doing a ‘get up’ is, you’re using your arms, your legs, your back, your whole body, to get up off the floor. So, mentally, it’s even more gratifying because you’re getting up off the floor because you’ve been knocked down.”

While physical fitness is necessary for your health, Billy emphasizes you must be mentally fit as well. He recommends waking up before the rest of the world to take some time to focus on yourself and prep for the day.

“I wake up the rooster. I get up every morning, during the weekdays, at 3:00am, and I have a routine. I pray, I read scripture, I meditate, I write in a journal, I stretch, I get ready, I call it pre-game. You have to get ready. You have to get up, I suggest, before the rest of the world gets up, get your mind right, meditate, positive affirmations, something positive in your life,” says Billy.

If you’re interested in learning more about ANABO fitness, click here.