Ahhhh it feels a lot more comfortable outside this morning compared to what we have been dealing with! The dew points have dropped significantly because of the cold front so we don’t have to deal with the humidity for the next few days.

9AM Dewpoints

Today will be on the windy side with sustained winds around 10-20 mph and gusts up to 25! So that could make it a little uncomfortable if you’re near the water, otherwise it won’t be a problem.

Winds at 9AM

Temperatures will sit comfortably in the low 80s today which is near average for this time of the year! And that’s where we’ll stay through the holiday weekend.

Labor Day Forecast

The chance of rain doesn’t move back in until Tuesday!

We’re getting in to the peak of hurricane season, and it has been an active one so far! Right now there isn’t an imminent storm that we’re keeping an eye on. Just some developments that potentially turn into something. The further east development has a 90% chance of formation over the next 5 days so we will be watching that closely!

Tropics Satellite

Have a great Labor Day weekend! -Meteorologist Casey Lehecka