NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — As we approach fall, we’ll be getting ready to battle both the coronavirus and the flu.

Every year, the flu sickens between 9 million and 45 million Americans. This could add a complicated twist to the ongoing pandemic.

According to the CDC, fewer than half of American adults get the flu shot each year, but experts say it’s critical to get prepared and get vaccinated this year.

Sentara Healthcare’s Influenza Task Force is urging the public to get flu shots early, as flu season typically begins in September. With the coronavirus pandemic still underway, they hope this will prevent local hospitals from getting overwhelmed.

“Obviously the flu shot is always a good idea, but this year it’s even more important,” said Dr. Anthony Fisher, vice president of Medical Affairs at Sentara Careplex.

Fisher, who is on Sentara’s Influenza Task Force, says people should get vaccinated to protect themselves from the flu and potentially overcrowded hospitals.

Fisher said, “So folks that get that vaccination will hopefully mean that less people presenting acutely ill from the flu go to the emergency room, allowing us to manage the COVID patients more effectively and efficiently.”

Fisher says the flu shot should protect people for up to six months. He says the vaccine doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t get the flu, but it will mitigate symptoms.

“It introduces an element into your body that allows your body to create a response, so when it actually sees the live organism, it’ll amount an immune response that will either effectively eliminate the organism or at least mitigate it or make the illness much, much less severe,” said Fisher.

Fisher believes Hampton Roads is still in the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. He hopes people getting the flu shot will help if a third wave comes.

“The concern is, could we have another, you know, spike — a third spike — which could be taxing to the medical system and I think that’s possible but right now we’re still managing the second wave,” said Fisher.

Sentara is holding a free drive-thru flu shot event on Saturday, Oct. 10 at several locations in the area. You can find more information from Sentara here.

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