(NEXSTAR) – Musician Ariel Pink of hits such as “Baby” and “Lipstick” confirmed on Twitter Thursday that he attended the pro-Trump rally that led to the violent storming of the Capitol building Wednesday.

“I was in dc to peacefully show my support for the president,” he said. “I attended the rally on the White House lawn and went back to hotel and took a nap. case closed.”

The Los Angeles-based musician, born Ariel Marcus Rosenberg, later added: “I don’t and never have advocated for violent confrontation or rioting. must be my boomer upbringing.”

Pink went on to say, “welcome to the panoptigan” — perhaps intending to write “panopticon,” a system of surveillance and control made famous by theorist Michel Foucault — and added, “Save yourselves friends, cancel me now and turn me in before they come for you.”

His manager did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Pink, known for his lo-fi aesthetic and influential indie music, has been tweeting his support for President Trump since at least October.

The musician is no stranger to controversy. Some of his remarks have drawn ire from his left-leaning indie music peers, as have his onstage antics.