
Blog: A Few Tips To Beat The Heat.

Temps VS Heat Index

Today is going to be another hot one. High temps are going to be in the 90s, but the heat index will be near 100. Last July was the hottest July on record in Hampton Roads. There were several days when we were above 100 degrees. (The temperature as well as the heat index.)

Temperatures (July 2020)

So far this July we are just a little behind the average. (So far…)

Temperatures (July 2021)

Keep in mind that A. The long-term average got adjusted upward this year by a little bit, and B. we are only half way through the month.

So we’ll be in the mid 90s today and tomorrow with the heat index near 100. We’ll have quiet weather. Then we’ll have highs in the low 90s or near 90 Thursday and Friday with some isolated showers and/or storms. A cool front will try to slide into the area over the weekend. It could bring us more rain and a slight cool down. However, sometimes during this time of year, cold fronts tend to stall out earlier than forecast. So we’ll see. I’ll have more on that in tomorrow’s weather blog.

Here are some tips to beat the heat:

  1. Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of fluids. Water is best, but some sport drinks can replenish electrolytes. Keep in mind that many of them have a lot of sugar. Most soda does as well. Don’t drink alcohol if you will be outdoors for a long time.
  2. Do outdoor activities early and late in the day when temps are cooler.
  3. Wear light-weight and light-colored clothing. It can make a big difference. Light gets reflected off of lighter colored clothes, but it gets absorbed into the darker colors. That light then turns to heat.
  4. Take plenty of breaks in the shade or A.C.
  5. Bring in the pets if you will be gone all day. If you can’t then at least make sure they have plenty of shade through the day as well as water.
  6. Check on the elderly, and keep an extra eye on the kids playing outside . They tend to forget to stop and drink water sometimes. I was definitely guilty of doing that when I was a kid.
  7. Keep curtains closed during the day. (Unless you or your plants need some light). It keeps out the light, and it also insulates a bit from the heat.

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler