
Blog: Cold, Dry, And Breezy Today. Wet and Chilly Tomorrow!

Temperature Trend

Ah, a moment to reminisce… Sunday’s weather was great! Hopefully, folks got a chance to get outside and enjoy the mild temps. High temps made it into the 60s across the region.

High Temperatures Yesterday

Today we will drop about 20 degrees or so. Temps weren’t super cold this morning, but the wind chills were in the 30s. High temps today will only make it to the mid-upper 40s.

Today’s Forecast Temperatures

There is a cold front dropping to our south. High pressure is edging a little closer from the northwest.

Regional Weather Map

We’ll have partly cloudy skies with a north breeze. The wind will gust up to 25mph through the early afternoon, but it will ease up later this afternoon. By tonight some moisture will return in the upper levels from the south. however, it will still be pretty dry at the surface. Temperatures will drop to the mid 30s, but we should stay above freezing. So there will be some scattered/light rain showers developing late tonight, but there will probably be some sleet mixing in as well.

Future Trak (Late Tonight)

There may be a few flakes of snow, but all of this will melt as temps will remain mostly above freezing. Also, the ground temps are still fairly mild. We’ll warm up enough by 7am to change this over to all rain showers. The exception will be on the Eastern Shore where a few more sleet pellets will linger.

We’ll warm slightly through the day, but high temps will only make it into the upper 40s. Winds will be out of the southeast. There will be rain showers on and off through the day.

Future Trak (Tuesday Afternoon)

The rainfall could add up to about a half inch up to an inch.

Rainfall Forecast

We really dried out lately, but there are a few rural areas that are still pretty muddy if you can believe it. The rain showers will taper off tomorrow evening. Then we’ll dry out on Wednesday. Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day! High temps will be in the upper 50s. We’ll be partly cloudy. Another system will move in on Thursday. We’ll have a lot of rain again through the day. At least this time it will be warmer. High temps will rise into the 60s. However, that may lead to a few thunderstorms in the region as well. Stay tuned for updates on that.

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler