I wish I had some better weather news for the folks that are heading out for Valentine’s Day. I won’t sugar coat it (insert frown faced emoji)…Today is going to be cold and breezy. At least it will be pretty good weather for travel and the commutes.

We did have some mixed precip yesterday. There was a little light snow accumulation north of the metro for a time.

Precip On Radar Yesterday

Most of the region did not have accumulating snow. There was a little bit north of Hampton Roads. The precip from yesterday came from an area of low pressure that formed ahead of a cold front. Today the front has dropped to our southeast, and the area of low pressure has moved up into the northeast states.

Regional Weather Map

While the bigger surface features have moved out, there is still a small pocket of upper level energy (trough) overhead. This caused some flurries and isolated snow showers this morning north and northeast of the metro area. There was a light accumulation in spots from that round. We may see a few more of of those until noon, and they may drop just a tad south. Otherwise, we’ll have a mix of sun and clouds. Winds will be out of the northwest at 10-15mph with gusts to 20mph. This will keep the wind chills in the 20s and 30s all day.

Temps And Wind Chills

High temps will only be in the upper 30s to near 40 degrees.

Tomorrow high pressure will build in stronger. We’ll have a lot of sunshine and less wind. So high temps will be able to warm up a bit. We’ll rise to the low-mid 40s.

Forecast Temps Tomorrow

We’ll start to get more of a southerly wind on Wednesday. The weather should be pretty nice. High temps will warm to the upper 50s, and we might even have a couple of 60s in the region. Skies will be partly cloudy. We’ll keep warming up into Thursday. High temps will be in the upper 60s. Some models suggest we’ll even hit 70 degrees. Stay tuned! Either way we’ll be partly cloudy with a few late day rain showers. Then a cold front will move into the region on Friday. We’ll start off mild. We’ll probably hit close to 60 degrees early in the day. Then temps will drop in the afternoon. They will probably drop to the 40s by the late afternoon. There will be quite a bit of rain from Thursday night into at least Friday morning. It could linger longer. I’ll have more on that in tomorrow’s weather blog.

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler