It’s coming down to the wire here at WAVY. I’m on my second to last week at WAVY and I can’t believe it’s gone by so fast. Since the switch over to Lakana from WordPress, the interns haven’t been able to upload blog posts to the website. One of my duties this week was to upload all of the intern blogs from the old WordPress site up onto Lakana. This way the interns would have access to their blogs for our exit interviews. Working with and learning Lakana has been a really interesting part of my internship because it was a chance to learn how to use a completely new website platform. Sure, there are bugs and issues with any new site migration but this learning opportunity may not have been able to happen if I wasn’t an intern my spring semester of my senior year. 

I’m currently working on pulling together my intern portfolio for my class requirements and part of that is to write a two page reflection. I’ve already started to think about what I want to say in my reflection. The other part is to create an online portfolio of my work. Already this portfolio has gotten me a full-time job post grad. I think that by having all my work accessible to one website made it possible for employers to look at my work in one central location. 

I have to say that completing this internship will be one of the highlights of my time as a college student. I was able to learn so much here and I can’t wait to tackle my last week at WAVY with as much enthusiasm as I can muster.