
Intern Blog: A Few Short Weeks

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) – It’s official! I only have a few weeks left in my internship! Isn’t it crazy how quickly time can fly?

It’s also officially that time of year where I’m constantly being asked “what are you doing after graduation?” That answer is still up in the air, but I do know that I am open to whatever the universe has to offer. That’s what’s so valuable about internships, in my opinion — it gives young students like me the opportunity to find out what they want before they need to commit to something. It’s also a tremendous learning opportunity.

My writing has improved tremendously during these past two months. For articles and papers for school, I have noticed that my writing has gotten a lot less wordy. One of the biggest complaints I have received from professors is that I tend to make certain paragraphs or discussion boards too long. Since working here at WAVY, I’ve noticed that my writing is much more concise and to the point. Now, if only I could figure out how to do that for my screenplays!

Aime at the Lunch and Learn

I have also finally narrowed down what my intern project will be. The intern project is meant to help the interns create a portfolio of everything they have done during their time at WAVY, to not only show they have learned something, but so we can show future employers exactly what we’re capable of. I won’t reveal the specifics for now, but I look forward to sharing my experience with you all in my next intern blog!

Here’s to the final leg, let’s make it a good one!