PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) – I have spent over two months interning at WAVY-TV 10, but the last three weeks have been the most eye-opening. As I make my way through the station departments trying new things, I am consistently blown away by the people here and the incredible work they get to do every day.

I have gotten the opportunity to watch these professionals at work. Mark is one of the directors here at WAVY-TV 10, and I’ve been able to sit next to him as he directed the morning news, The Hampton Roads Show, and the noon news. He thinks multiple steps ahead at all times, and he is always prepared to adapt.

Kenisha runs cameras for The Hampton Roads Show, and I have spent a lot of time with her while I have been at WAVY. She moves cameras around with ease and makes everyone look good on screen.

LV is one of the photographers at WAVY. He works overnight and is responsible for not only driving a huge truck, but also getting the shot and editing the reporter’s package afterward. He has been a fountain of knowledge and a tremendous encouragement during my time at WAVY.

KaMaria Braye is an early morning reporter, and I got the opportunity to see her in action. She works with LV as they travel early in the morning to get to the location and report live on the scene. She has been so supportive and a great example of how to be a reporter.

Brett Hall is the one who introduced me to the newsroom. He finds and writes incredible stories that no one else seems to report on. I got to see him in action as he recorded a news clip in the Waterside District.

Now, because of all these incredible people taking the time to show me what they do, I have had the opportunity to try it myself! I worked with KaMaria and LV overnight to be a part of the early news shows, and at the end of it, I got to report myself! I have also been a part of the HRS set, and floor direct all by myself. Plus, going out on the field with multiple reporters has been so much fun and inspires me to chase the story.

These opportunities would not be possible without the fantastic people that work at WAVY and their willingness to share their knowledge with an intern like me. I am so grateful and blessed. There is only one more post after this, so we will see what I get to learn during my last few weeks here at WAVY-TV 10.