
Intern Blog: The best is yet to come!

Working as a Wavy TV 10 intern has been such a rewarding experience! I have been here for about a month now and have learned so much. I am an intern for the Hampton Roads Show and the Production team as well. From learning to run prompter, floor directing and meeting a couple of celebrities, my time here has been something that I will never forget. I am grateful for Stephanie Cooke, because she has given me the opportunity to learn from her since she has so much experience.

Floor Directing has probably been one of the most stressful things I have learned. You must always stay two steps ahead of yourself, but at the same time, remember what is happening. My first-day floor directing was the 10 year anniversary show, and I messed up badly. However, Steph kept her cool and just reminded me of what needed to be done. The picture above is my second-day floor directing, and as you can see I was very confident and much happier. I cannot wait to see what the rest of my time here has in store!