
Living my best life as an intern for Wavy10.

I was given the opportunity to share my experience so far of my internship with other ODU students.

It has only been 8 weeks of doing this internship at WAVY10 and I already want to do the internship again. I have been having quite the experience while being at WAVY10. I have been encouraging other students with the same career idea to apply for the spring internship.

Me and my supervisor/mentor Symone Davis.

I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I applied for the internship and when I was accepted I was extremely nervous. Symone Davis has been making the internship run very smoothly for me. After standing outside in the heat recording her B-roll and standup; I love watching the finalized segments air on tv. She does such a very good job and I’m happy that I am able to help her out with her segments.

Wavy’s Intern Lunch& Learn

This past week we had a very productive Lunch&Learn where we got to discuss resumes and getting ready for life after graduation. We got to listen to Kara Dixon, Brett Hall, Jason Ruel and Larry Carney tell us about their experiences and how they ended up at WAVY10. Its always nice to hear about other peoples way of getting through school and doing or not doing a internship bit still succeeding.

Looking focused while shooting my standup for my story.

I was given the opportunity to shoot my own story this past week. At first I was very nervous but after a couple tries I was able to nail a decent standup. I will be posting my package on my blog after I finished editing it, but I’m very excited to see how it will turn out. I got to make up the interview questions and asked them which I thought was super cool. I’m a hands on learner so I really appreciate Symone for letting me shoot my own story with her as my assist. I cant wait to shoot and edit my next story so stay tuned…