PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) – As my internship with WAVY comes to an end, I have begun reflecting on the amazing experiences I have had with the station and the people I worked with.

But that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped. In fact, my work with the station has only gotten more exciting in my last weeks!

For the first time, I went out with a reporter on the field and did interviews!

We went out to the Oceanfront to interview visitors and lifeguards about how they were dealing with the extreme temperatures. I tell you, it was hot! But that didn’t stop me from taking as much as I could from the experience.

We took to the Boardwalk to scout out possible interview subjects, and we found quite a few people that were willing to talk to us, I even conducted some of the interviews myself!

I also got to see how the camera operator works with the microphones and how they take shots from the scene.

Getting to see my interviews on the 6 o’clock news was a dream. Just knowing that some of my work was broadcast was amazing and very fulfilling.

The following week, I filmed a few stand-ups at the station. While most of my fellow interns want to be reporters and in front of the camera, I feel more at ease writing, Still, I’m very glad I had the opportunity.

I’ve also shadowed the sales department, and spent some more time with news, just trying to squeeze out as much as I can get here before I leave.

Walking away from this internship, I have such a greater appreciation for everyone who works at WAVY-TV 10, and the amazing jobs they do every day. These jobs are not easy, but I’m glad everyone has taken the time to show me a glimpse into what they do to make this station run.

I wanted to thank everyone that helped me throughout my time at the station. You all have helped me tremendously!

Oh, and thank you for making this summer a fun one!