
Summer 2023, That’s A Wrap!

My camera standup in Virginia Beach that was apart of my reel.

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — Well WAVY family … it’s been fun! It’s a little bittersweet to say goodbye. When an opportunity like this comes around you make the most of it, and I believe I did just that. For my final week, I put together my reporter reel. The final project feels like a test of your knowledge like, “What exactly did I do this whole summer?”

But I had to trust myself with my vision. Learning how to edit my reel was the definition of delayed gratification. I made mistakes, I had to relearn buttons, and I had to start over my project a few times. But, the more I practice, you can imagine I got better at it. Mistakes are OK. That’s the biggest lesson I can take away from this internship experience. Being a college student has it’s fun, but it is overwhelming.

If you’re like me, you put a lot of pressure on yourself to perform well. Coming into WAVY was uncharted territory where I had learn to be humbled by my mistakes not afraid of them. The most important thing is that you learn from them and keep trying. That goes out to any intern in the near future. Try your best, give it your all, and if it doesn’t work out, try again. You’re going to get there, just keep practicing. Keep believing in yourself! To WAVY-News 10, Thank you. I’m proud of the work I’ve done and grateful for the helping hands that guided me. We’ll see what the future holds.

Until then, this is Alexandria Williams, signing out.