PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) – I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be able to embrace the environment here at WAVY TV-10, where I am constantly trying to soak up the information that is shared with me. Being able to learn from the sports team — Craig Loper, Brian Parsons, and Nathan Epstein — has given me what I think is an advanced knowledge of all that goes into pre-production, production, and post production, which has really made my school work and projects easier. I think that my classes at Hampton University have prepared me well, equipping me with the necessary tools and a foundation of the basic knowledge needed for this level of production.
My supervisors have told me that they are surprised with the knowledge I have and what I was able to do at such an early stage in my internship, particularly my ability to use ENPS. Because of the knowledge and experience I had prior to my internship, my supervisors feel that they are able to show me more and at a faster rate than what they have been able to teach other interns in the past. My curriculum at HU is where I first started broadcasting and where I learned how to use ENPS. I learned how to use ENPS in my Broadcast Newswriting class and News Production class. I was able to get more familiar with the program when using it for Hampton’s WHOV-TV news team as well as my sports talk show Saber Sports. These extra-curricular activities also helped me to refine my editing skills, which I have been working on since my freshman year of high school.
Here at WAVY my supervisors have added to my knowledge of video editing, scripts writing, and broadcasting within these first three weeks. I think the biggest adjustment for me is the change of pace. The daily routine here is at a much faster pace than what I’m used to, which isn’t a surprise to me since the news obviously airs daily. My focus now is making sure that I can keep up with the pace in using the techniques and tasks that Craig, Brian, and Nathan teach me, which I know I can do. It has also been a focus of mine to improve on my script writing and making my words more conversational for broadcasting. Within these first few weeks, I have been out in the field to record clips during both high school and college games, I’ve asked questions in post-game press conferences, I have shadowed cameras in the studio, written scripts, shadowed the director in the control room, ran teleprompter, and shadowed on the floor with Craig and Nathan during shows. I have also filmed my first stand up in the field as well as a run through in the studio for a full block.
Everything I have done so far honestly doesn’t feel like work to me because I genuinely enjoy my job and the journey to what I am working towards. There is still much more I have to learn but I am looking forward to becoming the best broadcaster, producer, writer, and editor that I know I can be.