
Blog: Some brief shots of warming this week.

Temperature Trend

While many are hoping for a long-term warmup, we will have to do with a couple of shots of milder temperatures over the next 7 days. First… a recap.

Yesterday, was about as cool and breezy as expected. High temps only made it to the mid-upper 60s with some low 70s inland.

High Temps Yesterday

This morning started off chilly for June. Temps were in the upper 40s to low 50s over much of the region. Luckily today we are going to warm up fast. We have high pressure building into the area. There is a cold front to our south with another one forming far to our north.

Regional Weather Map

We have lost that strong northeast wind that we had yesterday. Today it will only be 5-10mph out of the northwest and then northeast. That will cap the temps a little, but we should easily be able to reach the mid 70s this afternoon with some upper 70s inland.

Temperature Forecast

That’s a big rise in temps from this morning. So be sure to dress in layers.

Tomorrow things will shift around a bit. We’ll have more of a light west wind along with fair skies. High pressure will be over the area, but the northern cold front will be on approach. So we’ll have mostly to partly sunny skies Tuesday with temps finally warming to over 80 degrees.

Forecast Temps Tomorrow

It should be an awesome day! It will still be dry. Pollen levels are low. Mosquitoes still aren’t too bad. Plus, there will be a good amount of sunshine. This is my favorite time of year. By tomorrow evening a couple of spotty showers will be possible as the front moves in. There shouldn’t be too much rain tomorrow night. However, as the front stalls out to our south on Wednesday we’ll see a return of some scattered showers. They will probably be in the afternoon.

Future Trak (Wednesday Afternoon)

Unfortunately, temps will be knocked down a bit. They’ll drop to the low 70s for a day. We’ll warm up a bit Thursday and Friday into the mid-upper 70s. After some showers Thursday morning we should dry out. Then next weekend looks mild and dry (at least for now). High temps are aiming for the upper 70s to low 80s. Hopefully, I didn’t jinx it, but it could be a great beach weekend. Stay tuned.

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler