This Monday afternoon, Tropical Storm Danny develop off the coast of South Carolina.

Danny has 45 mph sustained winds

Danny will miss our area, but for northern Georgia, heavy rain is expected with a few inches of new rainfall expected. This storm will weaken tomorrow. If you have air travel that brings you to Atlanta Tuesday, the storm should be weaker, but it may cause minor issues.

There’s another storm in the Atlantic that we are still watching.

Possible Development in the Atlantic

We’ve been watching this storm since last week, and now it’s in the central southern Atlantic moving to the west. As it looks now, our models bring this storm close to Puerto Rico by the middle/end of the week.

Future Trak Thursday 5pm.

From where this area of interest goes from here is still unknown, but it will likely push to the northwest towards Florida by the upcoming weekend. Stay tuned for updates.

Meteorologist Jeff Edmondson