
BLOG: Two Planets Visible Tonight and a week of the Space Station

If you notice the bright object next to the moon last night, that was Jupiter. It returns again tonight, but with another neighboring planet surrounding the moon. Saturn will be on the opposite side of the Moon tonight. If you have a good telescope, you will be able to see the rings of the gas giant. All three objects will be visible with the naked eye.

While the International Space Station will be hiding out from view tonight, it will make an appearance starting tomorrow night at precisely 10:29 PM for 6 minutes. Check out the information graphic I made for the specific direction it will appear. On Tuesday it will actually make two passes. To see when the ISS will be overhead, check out the Spot The Station website from NASA.

Later this month there is going to be a meteor shower! The Southern Delta Aquariids will peak the night of July 30th. The Aquariids typically produce 10-20 meteors per hour.

Happy Viewing!
Meteorologist Jeff Edmondson