A national organization based in Hampton Roads is working to prevent violence in our communities.

Bobby Kipper founded the National Center for the Prevention of Community Violence nine years ago.

Kipper worked for more than 20 years as a Newport News police officer and once served as the director for Virginia’s Gang Reduction Program.

While it’s a center focused on preventing crime nationally, he said they’re also working to put a dent in crime here.

“We’re here for Hampton Roads. They can reach out to us. They can become involved,” he said.

Kipper said the organization works to stop violence before it happens by building relationships with local leaders, speaking with residents and hosting events to boost community involvement.

“Government can’t do this. We have to do it with the role of community, growing community,” he said.

“We’re here for Hampton Roads. (Residents) can reach out to us, they can become involved.”

Kipper said they also have a number of programs, including going into schools and teaching children civility early on so they don’t turn to violence.

“The message we’re seeing on the streets today is not very positive for teens where they grow up. That’s why we believe in fixing communities,” he said.

Since January, 10 On Your Side has reported on at least 14 teens involved in some type of violent crime.

Many of them involved shootings.

At least of three of them died.

Kippor said the community needs to work together to find solutions.

“We really need to encourage community citizens to stand up, bond together, not do it on their own, but bond together and help clean their communities up,” he said.

That’s one of the reason why the center is hosting a conference to try to reduce gangs.

It will be held on March 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Christopher Newport University.

To register, click here.