
Norfolk set to roll into Phase 1b on Monday

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — As frustrations continue to grow over the delay in COVID-19 vaccinations, Norfolk will soon move into Phase 1b. 

Norfolk Health District Director Dr. Demetria Linsday says patience is key. 

“Right now, we pretty much have a fixed supply coming to use from the federal government to the state. And that fixed supply has to be allocated across the entire state. So, we are all working to meet the need for equability across the state. So, unfortunately, I know people want to get access to this vaccine as soon as possible — but we have to work within those parameters,” said Lindsay.

On Monday, the city is set to expand to the next phase that includes grocery store workers, mail carriers, public and private school teachers, and public transit workers.

Also in that group are homeless shelters, migrant labor camps, and people 16 through 64 years of age with a high-risk medical condition or disability that increases their risk of severe illness from COVID-19.

That means that in just two days, Norfolk residents who meet Phase 1a or 1b eligibility requirements can preregister for a vaccine either online or by calling 757-683-2745.

Keep in mind, the preregistration process doesn’t guarantee a vaccine appointment but it does add you to a waitlist. 

As far as vaccine locations, Dr. Linsday says they’ve been vaccinating out of the health department but will be expanding to another location.

“Once somebody is registered when we open it up for them to actually schedule an appointment at that point, they will see the locations they have an opportunity to go to. We aren’t announcing locations because we don’t want to disappoint people thinking they can show up and get a vaccine,” Lindsay explained.

Norfolk health officials are warning it could take up to 4 to 8 weeks before you are notified to schedule an appointment after you pre-register. 

Lindsay says they are looking to scale up operations to 6 days a week, provided they get the number of vaccines needed to make that possible.