VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — ​The Virginia Beach Department of Public Health (VBDPH) is warning residents of “bad actors” who may try to take advantage of those who are anxiously waiting to get vaccinated.

VBDPH says that these “actors” may register website domains related to COVID-19. They use fake websites and applications that may claim to provide an opportunity to register for a vaccine, testing results, or other resources.

Officials say what they are really doing is using the sites as a way to steal credentials, bank account information, or to infect devices with malware.

A statement released by the city says:

The health department has been made aware of scam emails attempting to convince the recipient to reveal sensitive information (i.e. bank account information) by demanding payment in order to receive a vaccine.

Other scams may be designed to compel the recipient to open a malicious link or attachment, allowing them to potentially access the recipient’s system. Clever phishing emails will look legitimate and will likely impersonate well-known and trusted entities. Never open any link or attachment from a source that you cannot clearly identify as being legitimate.

The health department said it’s received reports of people getting suspicious vaccine appointment emails that appear to be the real deal.

“They are very similar to the emails we send out,” said Bob Engle, emergency coordinator for VBDPH. “The health department will never ask you for any personal information such as bank accounts, driver’s license numbers or anything to access your accounts where money’s involved.”

Engle said the health department will ask for basic information such as your name and street address but never anything associated with money.

If you’re waiting for a vaccine spot, make sure you double check the sender’s email address.

“If it does not come from, it is not a legitimate email,” Engle said.

Once you’ve verified the email is legitimate, do not forward the appointment link.

That’s another issue the department is dealing with.

“At our last clinic we turned away just a little over 100 people,” Engle said. “They actually did register for an appointment and they did get a confirmation email but they were not the intended receiver of that original email so it’s very disappointing for them.”

Tips and warning signs:

  • Legitimate vaccine appointment invitation emails from VBDPH will be sent from
  • Residents should never be asked to pay for a vaccine or for early access to a vaccine. Vaccines are free to all residents.
  • The VBDPH will never ask for your Social Security number, driver’s license number, or bank information in order to receive a vaccine.
  • You may be asked to provide health insurance information, but insurance is not required to receive the vaccine.
  • Scammers may pose as legitimate businesses or organizations related to the distribution of the vaccine, including the VBDPH, in an effort to steal your personal or financial information.
  • Before clicking on any links, ensure that any email you receive related to the vaccine is coming from a legitimate source before clicking links or opening attachments. You may also hover your mouse over links to see where they lead to ensure the URL is legitimate.
  • Anything that conveys a sense of urgency to click a link or provide information should be regarded as suspicious
  • Continuously update your passwords and update any default unsecure settings. Ensure backup protocols are in place with your devices
  • Never give out your personal information, including banking information, passwords Social Security Number, etc. over the phone or via email.

If you believe you have been targeted for a vaccine-related scam or suspected fraud, please contact the Virginia Department of Health at 877-ASK-VDH3 (877-275-8343).