GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) — Houses, cars, vacations, yachts, plane tickets and hotel rooms. Now … jobs.
MrBeast tries to stay buried in a coffin for a week
Oh my.
MrBeast released his latest video on Saturday and this time, he compared different jobs, from panning for gold ($1 a year) to signing with an NFL team ($10 million). With over 1 billion views overall in just these videos alone, he’s on to something here.
MrBeast transforms a home for free
(Video by Courtney Layton and Shannon Baker, WNCT)
Panning for gold does have its benefits and can make you more than $1 a year but you have to do a lot of work to get it. After five hours of looking for gold, MrBeast and the crew had enough.
MrBeast changes lives by building 100 wells around Africa
They make quite the jump to the next job, searching for dinosaur fossils ($100,000 a year). This was the job where, not too long ago, he tweeted that he injured his hand when he got his fingers caught under a giant bone. “… Instead of telling people that I’ve been saying I got in a fight and won because it’s easier to explain.”
MrBeast pays contestant who travels furthest from him
MrBeast gifts new car, home to trick-or-treaters
After that was being a pilot ($300,000). Nolan tested, and failed several times, in a flight simulator, After getting it all right, Nolan was able to fly a real plane, taking off and landing successfully from Pitt-Greenville Airport with Karl in the back.
We’re definitely in the wrong business.
Mr. Beast gives away $30 million in free food with nonprofit Sharing Excess
After that was being a hand model ($1 million) before showing off in the NFL. He signed a $10 million, 48-hour contract with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He got to practice and lead the team when it ran out on the field against the Falcons.
The Falcons won the game, 16-13, so it wasn’t a perfect day. But one they’ll never forget.
Note: We’re going to spotlight events, videos and other social posts that revolve around MrBeast, who lives in Greenville, and all the great work he does online, in the community and around the country and world. To follow MrBeast, click here:
YouTube | TikTok | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Twitch | Kick | WNCT’s MrBeast page