Excellent Educators is a WAVY-TV 10 initiative to celebrate local teachers who have gone above and beyond for their students and communities during the last academic year. These Excellent Educators were nominated by their school divisions. Congratulations to these educators for all of their hard work and accomplishments!
Name: Kelly Prats
Division: York County School Division
Position: Library media specialist at Bethel Manor Elementary School
What the school division said about this Excellent Educator: Kelly Prats is a dedicated teacher who, with 31 years of experience, continues coming to school every day with a smile and the attitude to do whatever she can to support her students. Prats is a passionate library media specialist who encourages all 650 students at bethel Manor in the library by promoting books, promoting STEM, and being a positive role model.
It is very common for you to find Prats on the floor of the library searching for the next book in a series that a student has recently started reading because of her recommendations. If she doesn’t have it on the shelf, she will purchase it for the library or find a way to get books in the hands of students.
With Bethel Manor’s population of 100% military-connected students, Prats has positive relationships with every student, past or present! After battling breast cancer three years ago, she has not taken on relationship or or opportunity to encourage of love of reading to her students for granted. She is a champion of students and teachers because she also serves in the capacity of lead mentor for new teachers. She is the true definition of what it is to be an Excellent Educator.