
Light the Way as our nation waits

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — Election night passed into what now has now become a season bathed in tension as we await the decision of who will be our next president.

This election revealed just how divided we are, but we still live in a country that prizes unity while holding on to our personal convictions.

Such as this statement posted by Senate GOP candidate Daniel Gade Wednesday after his defeat in the hands of Democratic incumbent Mark Warner:

“I will never stop fighting for our country and for the Constitution which sustains it, but this race is over. I concede and call on all of my supporters to recognize state and federal results with peace and unity.”

In the meantime, most of us will wait and accept the result of an often messy and confusing process that is American democracy. Because freedom often requires patience to light the way.

You can hear the entire statement on WAVY News 10’s Tom Schaad’s brief podcast that explains his inspiration for writing this week’s narrative below.

Digital extra: Podcast, Light the Way as our nation waits


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