VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — With around 250 artists, you can pretty much find anything that dazzles the eye at the 64th Annual Virginia Museum of Contemporary Boardwalk Art Show.

Woodworking, painting, metal sculpting, jewelry, photography and glass all line the Boardwalk.

“We can’t ask for a better weekend for the boardwalk art show,” said Christie Kelly, the event’s director.

Ask any artist and they’ll probably tell you they’d love their work to fly off the shelves. Unfortunately they were doing the bad type of flying Thursday night.

“We try to prepare all our vendors to realize hard winds can come through, sure enough last night we had some high winds,” Kelly said.

Raymond and Cynthia Lackore learned that the hard way last night. “Our tent had collapsed and pushed back halfway toward the beach, almost blowing over into the sand.”

Fortunately they only lost three pieces, but the blustery day wasn’t over yet.

You could see it, and hear it. And while some of this work won’t be moved by Mother Nature, others are taking care.

We’ve had some experience down here before, so everything is nice and secure,” said Ellen Pollack.

Pollack has her glass on display and she’s making sure it’s not going anywhere, except into her customers’ hands.

“I’ve got everything from incredibly strong zip ties to some velcro that’s been strategically placed.”

The gusts aren’t expected to stay Saturday and Sunday.