
Following shootings, Virginia Beach’s new resort ambassadors ‘can’t come fast enough’

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Aside from an increased police presence, new “resort ambassadors” are making their debut at the Oceanfront this weekend, with the goal of not only ensuring Atlantic Avenue looks better but “feels” better.

The ambassadors — which were hired and have been planned for prior to last weekend’s deadly shootings — will be stationed every other block from Rudee Loop to The Cavalier Hotel complex on weekend evenings until 11.

Brian Solis, the acting resort administrator, said they’ll be “the additional eyes and ears” of the resort area, that he hopes will help make people feel comfortable coming to the region’s hospitality center.

“They will be that friendly reassuring presence, just as a personality representing the city out on Atlantic Avenue for us,” Solis said.

Their duties will range from being on the look-out to quickly address issues such as overflowing trash cans and graffiti, also interacting with visitors letting them know everything the resort area has to offer.

And while they are not law enforcement, they will also help police.

Each ambassador will be equipped with what Solis called a “smart system.” He said similar to a smartphone, it can geo-reference quickly where ever an instance is.

“The ambassadors will assist police and be that additional eyes and ears and they will have a network of communications back to their operations manager, who has a direct line of communication to the sergeant liaison for the second precinct,” Solis said.

The idea for the ambassadors came from members of the Resort Advisory Commission.

The commission told City Council last summer that “intimidating crowds,” gun violence, neglected infrastructure, and reduced oversight are just a few of the factors that have led to a “loss of pride” along the resort’s Atlantic Avenue area.

As a result the city approved spending more than $1.2 million to relaunch the Resort Management Office. The majority of the money went towards hiring, Kentucky-based Block by Block, to run the resort ambassador program.

“I do think this is going to make a difference,” Solis said. “Business owners are excited and this service can’t come fast enough in their eyes.”

Solis said the first round of hires of resort ambassadors recently concluded their several days of training and already showing excitement for the job.

“They arrived Monday and said ‘Yes wish that the program was in place [last weekend] cause perhaps … it could have made a difference in terms of … effecting the vibe down here,” Solis said.

The city is still looking for additional ambassadors and you can apply by going onto Block by Block’s website.