
Candidate Profile: Terry Namkung (U.S. House of Representatives, District 3)

Terry Namkung is a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, District 3. His name will appear on the ballot on Nov. 8, 2022.

Terry Namkung is a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, District 3. His name will appear on the ballot on Nov. 8, 2022.

10 On Your Side reached out to all of the candidates running in this race. If you do not see a candidate listed with a profile, we did not receive one.

See who is on your ballot by viewing the candidate lists on the Virginia Department of Elections website.

Name: Terry Namkung

Race: U.S. House of Representatives, District 3

Party: Republican

Website: Terry Namkung for Virginia

Biography: Terry T. Namkung was born in Osan-Ri, Korea, where his father was stationed in the U.S. Army.

He lived in several military communities before graduating in the top 10% of his high school class in Killeen, Texas. From there, Namkung had a choice of several career paths, but he was inspired by the service of those around him. So, he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force.

Namkung trained a group of airmen that provided vital logistical support to joint conventional and special operation forces. As a result of his leadership, Namkung started as a “slick sleeve’ and more than 21 years later retired as a senior non-commissioned officer.

Next, he wanted to build on his successful military service. So, he brought the skills, expertise, and management experience from the Air Force to corporate America where he led teams that built energy solutions. Namkung’s position included the development of energy resources and the fortification of public infrastructure against severe weather.

Namkung has a doctorate in business and has researched renewable energy technology diffusion and adoption. He also has an MBA from Auburn University and has been accepted into two Ph.D. programs in public policy and systems engineering.

Namkung lives in Yorktown with his wife, Jasmine, and is the father of two boys — Terrie and Ian. He is a devout Christian and attends Hampton Roads Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Why should Virginians elect you to the U.S. House of Representatives?

Citizens of the 3rd Congressional District — which encompasses Newport News, Hampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake — need a representative who will prioritize their interests over party. My objective is to provide consistent constituent services and to increase strategic federal funding across the area.

My top priorities at the federal level are national security, the economy, and education. At the local level, my focus is reducing crime, creating jobs, and providing quality education.

Rep. Bobby Scott has been in office for 30 years and is indistinguishable from today’s do-nothing legislators who are in it for themselves. Despite years of opportunity, he has made few lasting or positive contributions for the people of our great district. It’s time for change. Now is a divine moment for us to rid ourselves of crony capitalism and indoctrination. Early voting begins Sept. 23; Tuesday, Nov. 8 is election day. I would be proud to be your next congressman.

What is the most important issue facing Virginia, and what is your position on it?

Our biggest issue is the lack of parental authority over what is taught in schools and the struggle to provide a safe and positive learning environment for all children. Students should be immersed in classic education — not exposed to gender and race identity curriculum.

Rep. Bobby Scott, chair of the House Education and Labor Committee, supported HR5, which gives access to “chosen gender” males to share locker rooms, bathrooms, and other facilities with biological females. School administrators should not over-accommodate for a group that represents less than 1% of the U.S. population. In addition, school choice for underprivileged children should not be ignored, but should instead be embraced to give them every opportunity to succeed.

What is the top challenge facing your district, and how would you address it?

Most of us are familiar with the difficulties in this area, including crime, poverty, the lack of affordable housing, the rising cost of living, and substandard education. But the atmosphere for effective solutions is overshadowed by elected officials who stoke perpetual division to stay in office. This tactic keeps people at odds and real answers out of reach by creating turmoil among political groups, racial and ethnic groups, socioeconomic groups, and religious groups. Career politicians use the “us vs. them” narrative for self-preservation. So, the main challenge is to remove these political obstacles to get into fix-it mode. New leadership is the key.

How would you rate Congress’ response to the economic impacts of COVID-19? How would you improve upon that response?

The response was like pouring gasoline on a fire. You can’t just print money, call it “stimulus,” and not expect to see inflation erupt. Temporarily removing oppressive regulations and bureaucratic red tape would streamline farm-to-table options, eliminate congestion and waste in the supply chain, save Americans billions of dollars, and reverse spiking costs. The ideal response would have been to give power and authority to the states to manage this crisis where people live.

What is your stance on federal student loan forgiveness?

It’s just another government solution to a problem created by the government. Students should not have been permitted to incur high levels of debt. We must halt the expansion of the problem. Politicians now praise the cancellation of student debts but continue to push minimally marketable college programs. Perhaps the U.S. Department of Education should absorb the debt, not taxpayers.

What is your stance on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade?

It’s about time. First and foremost, I am 100% in favor of a patient’s medical privacy. What you choose to do or not do with your body is between you, your doctor, and God. But defining stages of human development should never have been a task for the court. The issue of viability, for example, has changed considerably in the past 100 years, so it is absurd to believe the Roe v. Wade decision set 50 years ago would remain scientifically accurate forever.

How is gun violence impacting your district, and how do you plan to address gun violence?

I would meet with city officials — including police chiefs and sheriffs — to discuss the resources they need to restore law and order. I would secure funds from federal agencies to boost police manpower, to modernize equipment and training, and to recruit the best from within our communities. It is important to set a timetable for reducing the level of crime and to hold everyone involved accountable for the results. City councils and state legislators must give law enforcement the strongest possible opportunity and leverage to make this plan successful.

What strategies do you support to combat inflation?

The federal government has printed about $300 billion in the past two fiscal years. Why? To help fund bloated trillion-dollar legislation passed by congressional Democrats. In turn, inflation is at a 40-year high.

Interest rates are increasing. Gas, food, and utilities cost a lot more. Healthcare, transportation, and school supplies have gone up. The dollar buys less than it did a couple of years ago, forcing people to chip away their savings to keep up with daily needs. This reality adversely affects every single Virginian, every single day.

The Inflation Reduction Act is not the answer for people under economic suffering. It is just a climate change bill masquerading as economic relief.

An immediate remedy is to halt runaway spending at federal, state, and local levels. We must hold government officials and bodies accountable for every dollar spent and increase public oversight of the process. But ultimately, we must completely reject the repetitive failed policies of legacy legislators and transition to fresh solutions based on common sense, firm compassion, and personal and professional responsibility.