(WGHP) — Edna Livengood says she remembers practically everything that’s happened in her life from the age of five until now.

The 100-year-old World War II veteran has vivid memories of her time serving as an operating room nurse.

“Valley Forge. all we had were injuries … most of them in Europe, but we had no plastic surgery or very little in the United States back then, and they brought in a plastic surgeon from St. Louis to run the operating room at Valley Forge,” she said. “We made ears and noses and chins, eye sockets, eyebrows. It was very fascinating.”

Livengood has since enjoyed raising a family and living in Midway.

She hasn’t done much traveling in recent years but earlier this month had an opportunity to visit Washington, DC through Triad Honor Flight.

Livengood was one of 99 veterans flown from Piedmont Triad International Airport.

She is the first female World War II veteran Triad Honor Flight has served.

The nonprofit flies veterans to the nation’s capital to visit memorials dedicated to their service.

Livengood was asked to assist with putting a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The honor flight team made sure Livengood didn’t return to the Piedmont Triad empty-handed.

She received a package full of mail, including thank-you letters that were handwritten by elementary school children.

“It’s nice that they’re learning that there have been sacrifices,” Livengood said.

When she and the other veterans returned to PTI, they were greeted by lines of people cheering for them.

“Of World War II, they’re just not many of us left,” Livengood said. “So I think it’s pretty fantastic that after all these years, they’re still doing it for us as well as the other veterans.”