RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — Governor Roy Cooper announced Wednesday that communities statewide will receive help to pay for 70 projects throughout the state.

NC Department of Environmental Quality has awarded more than $253 million in drinking water, wastewater and stormwater grants to 30 counties. They include construction for infrastructure, emerging contaminants (PFAS) funding and funding for lead service line inventories and replacements.

“Strong water and wastewater systems are vital for safe drinking water and economic development,” said Governor Cooper. “Thanks to federal funding from the Biden-Harris Administration and state appropriations we’ve made historic investments to rebuild and replace aging systems, especially in rural communities, which will make our state stronger.”

Amongst the list of communities are Fayetteville, Lee County, Orange County and Rich Square. Here are a list of notable projects this funding is dedicated to our communities:

  • Fayetteville Public Works Commission will receive $30,000,000 in Drinking Water State Revolving Fund funds and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Drinking Water-Emerging Contaminant funds for a project featuring construction of a Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) facility for treatment of PFAS.
  • The City of Sanford (Lee County) will receive $5,028,395 in State Waste Water Reserve and Clean Water State Revolving Fund funds for the Sanford Third Street Area Sewer Rehabilitation Project.
  • The Orange Water and Sewer Authority (Orange County) will receive $3,245,000 in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Lead Service Line Replacement loans to replace lead service lines and comply with the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions.
  • The following local government units designated as distressed by the State Water Infrastructure Authority and the Local Government Commission will receive Asset Inventory and Assessment grants from the Viable Utility Reserve, considered a vital step in planning and inventorying that can lead towns on a path to future viability: the Towns of Creswell, Denton, Morven, Ossipee, Rich Square and Snow Hill, along with Gates County, McDowell County and Swan Quarter Sanitary District. 

For more information, including a complete list of funded communities throughout North Carolina, read more here.