GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) — The warm weather made for perfect conditions for ECU Health’s annual Jell-O toss at the James and Connie Maynard Children’s Hospital on Tuesday.

Pediatric patients got the chance to relieve stress and have fun by tossing gelatinous globs at their providers. ECU Health officials say the event helps the children bond with their caregivers. They also added that patients, their families and providers look forward to this event each year.

One parent said events like these help the children get their mind off the diagnosis.

“So, they can have those moments of being a child again,” said Jillian Berntsen. “You know, she’s just 13 years old, so being stuck in a hospital room for most of her day can be tough, so things like this that can get her smiling, laughing and around others are really important.”

One provider says she used to be a patient at the hospital, so she knows the importance of events like these.

“I was treated here as a patient, so some of these doctors are also my doctors, so it’s kind of full circle, being able to come back as a nurse when I was also a patient,” said Abby Coderre, a nurse at ECU Health.

More than 100 servings of Jell-O flew through the air. ECU Health officials add that no providers were harmed during the Jell-O toss. They also said they look forward to the event again next year.