
Couple in New Bern shares inspiring story through kidney transplant

NEW BERN, N.C. (WNCT) — A couple in New Bern has a special story to share.

Sharon and Steve McNally have been married for over 40 years. Steve has suffered from health problems throughout the entirety of their relationship with many surgeries and hospital visits. The most recent was a kidney transplant.

After a discussion with doctors, it was determined that Steve was going to need a new kidney, but the wait time was 8-10 years. Unfortunately, doctors didn’t know if he’d make it that long, so a decision had to be made.

Without hesitation, Sharon decided to get tested to see if they were a match. Thankfully, they were. When Sharon discovered this, she was more than willing to give a kidney to her husband to keep him healthy and continue their lives together.

The surgery took place on November 7. Just a month later, they both are up and moving as if nothing happened and are recovering well.

Click the video above to hear more about their inspirational story. If you’d like to learn more information about being a kidney donor, click here.