HAMPTON ROADS, Va. (WAVY) — With less than two weeks before most Hampton Roads students head back to class, we have a message from local school districts — “Don’t wait to vaccinate.” If you’re kids do not have their required immunizations up-to-date on the first day of school, they will get sent home.

No one likes to get a shot, but it’s a lot less painful than the possible alternatives, which include potentially life-threatening illnesses such as meningitis, whooping cough and measles.

“We’re finding that some parents wait until the last minute, and we try to encourage them to don’t wait to vaccinate,” said Virginia Beach City Public Schools Health Services Coordinator Heidi Sowala.

All children entering kindergarten must be up to date with childhood vaccines.
Those entering 7th grade need two boosters shots, one TDAP and one meningococcal. Seniors in high school need another meningococcal shot.

You will also need to provide to the school your child’s shot record as proof of vaccination. Missing shot records is how Sowala knows there are still lot of procrastinators out there.

“We’re probably looking at each middle school needing at least 100 students that still need to get a vaccination, and probably the same for the high schools,” she said.

That’s more than 2,000 students who still need to get immunized in Virginia Beach.

Vaccinations are available through your pediatrician and the health department.

The Virginia Beach Department of Health is holding a vaccination clinic at the back to school fair in the Convention Center from noon until 4 p.m. Aug. 17.

There are clinics happening in other cities as well. You can locate a vaccine provider on this VDH page.

Again, Sowala advises not to wait, as appointments fill up fast and there aren’t many days left before the first bell.