
Elected leaders in Virginia, North Carolina react after Joe Biden is elected winner in presidential election

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — Elected leaders throughout Virginia and North Carolina react to the news of Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election Saturday.


Congressman Rob Wittman issued this statement on the election:

“We must ensure the integrity of our elections and we must follow the laws on the books. In accordance with each state’s laws, every legally cast vote should be counted and every ineligible vote should not. We must demand the utmost accountability from our State Boards of Elections. The Trump Campaign has filed a handful of lawsuits and it is the role of the courts to hear the cases, apply the law fairly, and resolve any disputes. The road ahead is paved with many great challenges and opportunities; the success of our nation relies not only on our next President but on each and every hardworking American. It is together that we will face the future, and we shall do so as one nation. I am praying for our nation as we move forward as one. May God bless the United States of America.” 

North Carolina

Congressman G. K. Butterfield issued the following statement on the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

“The people have spoken—Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been elected—the voices of the American people have won. In a historic voter turnout, Americans elected Joe Biden to serve as the 46th President of the United States of America. Biden promised that he would represent and serve all of America, including those who didn’t vote for him; showing an admirable and necessary attribute needed for a national leader.”

“Now, it is time is time to get to work for the good of all Americans. It’s time to restore civility, decency, and bipartisanship to the legislative process. Joe Biden has promised to prioritize the challenges surrounding the pandemic, and it is imperative that we pass COVID relief legislation during the lame duck session so that the immediate needs of the American people are addressed. President-Elect Joe Biden has pledged to deliver for the people, and I pledge my unequivocal support as he takes the reins of power to lead this nation.”

In response to the win, Congressman Greg Murphy, M.D. (NC-03) released the following statement.

“The foundation of this great nation has been the belief in the power of the vote. We are now being watched by the nations of the world in how we ensure the integrity of that vote. There have been many cases of alleged voter fraud and the President’s campaign has filed several lawsuits disputing some of the called results.”

“I look forward to having the investigations completed to make sure that each American vote has been one that is verified and legal. When that process is completed, the nation needs to stand behind its elected leader.”

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