RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — The delivery of a fresh margarita with tacos has returned to North Carolina.
On Tuesday night, Governor Cooper signed SB 527, allowing ready-to-drink spirits and to-go cocktails, as well as delivery of mixed beverages and wine. As opposed to the times of the pandemic, this has been enacted permanently.
North Carolina is the 29th state to permanently allow to-go cocktails to be purchased. Previously, there was a measure that permitted restaurants to sell to-go cocktails but ended on June 1, 2021.
As of now, the rules are that these mixed drinks must be under 24 ounces and already be made before the drink leaves the business. The premixed beverage can be in an open or closed container.
Airports are also now permitted to sell drinks within the TSA-screened areas, but containers cannot be bigger than 16 ounces.
Additionally, the law signed by Gov. Cooper authorizes ABC stores to sell alcohol on New Year’s Day, July 4, and Labor Day.