
Virginia Jan. 3 COVID-19 update: 13K-plus cases per day; 2,600-plus hospitalized is higher than summer delta wave

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — Monday brought another 7,974 new cases for Virginia, as the commonwealth reports a record 13,266 new cases per day on average and a record 28% test positivity rate.

206 new current COVID hospitalizations were also reported on Monday, bringing current hospitalizations to 2,611 patients statewide — higher than the summer delta wave but about 900 patients lower than the 2020 winter surge before vaccines.

Virginia’s weekend coronavirus case counts are also released on Monday. VDH reported 14,712 new COVID-19 cases on January 1 and 19,506 new cases on January 2... which is overwhelmingly the most cases reported in Virginia in a single day.

This comes as COVID hospitalizations among children are up to record levels nationwide due to the omicron/delta wave. The FDA on Monday approved booster vaccine shots for 12 to-15 year-olds, after approving them for older teens earlier this month.

The good news is that compared to previous forms of the coronavirus, the more contagious omicron is leading to far fewer hospitalizations and deaths on a per case basis.

That said, VDH posted a message to its dashboard stating that beginning January 1, 2022, they would be updating the case definition for COVID-19 deaths. As a result, there will be a delay in reporting new COVID-19 deaths throughout January 2022. Go to this link to see how VDH counts a COVID-19 associated death.

That’s believed to be due to in part to the inherent nature of the virus, but vaccines are really doing heavy lifting to keep people out the hospital.

The unvaccinated continue to account for the overwhelming majority of hospitalizations and deaths, Virginia Department of Health data shows.

And not only are the vaccines continuing to help prevent severe disease, they’re also helping to keep people from getting infected. Sure there are breakthrough cases, but VDH data from this most recent week of reporting shows unvaccinated people are 12 times more likely to be infected than vaccinated people.

About 20 people are still dying of COVID per day in Virginia, and more than 1,200 are dying on average nationwide, but so far deaths haven’t spiked up with this recent wave.

If you do want to brave the snow and wind for a COVID test, there is a clinic at Military Circle until 6 p.m. Monday. VDH closed vaccine sites across the commonwealth on Monday due to the inclement weather but they should reopen this week.

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